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Odvetniška družba Sočan in Bogataj o. p. d. o. o. was established in 1998 and represents a successor of the law firm of Attorney at Law Zvone Taljat, who had previously practiced attorneyship for over 20 years and whose team had included Attorney at Law Aleš Tratnik up until the time the latter terminated his law practice. The law firm’s registered office is at Ajdovščina 4, Ljubljana (SKB banka d. d. office building).

The law firm primarily deals with representing and advising clients, in particular, with regard to commercial and corporate law, law of obligations, enforcement, administrative and labour law, and considering the clients’ wishes and needs, all other areas of civil law as well. If necessary and on the basis of the client’s consent, we cooperate with notaries, tax advisors, auditors, advisory firms and law firms from abroad.

The law firm’s clients are mostly legal entities, among which are commercial companies that belong to the largest commercial entities in Slovenia. In other instances, the law firm’s clients are natural persons as well. The basic guidelines for the employees in the law firm are the highest degree of proficiency, a personal and correct relationship with clients as well as consistent respect for confidentiality. We are certain that an optimum result for the client can always be achieved only under the condition of complying with these principles.

The law firm currently employs three attorneys (out of which, two are partners: Aleš Sočan and Valter Bogataj — both attorneys since 1998, and attorney Dejan Vovk — attorney since 2010) and the administrative staff.

© 2022 Odvetniška družba Sočan in Bogataj o. p. d. o. o.